Thursday, January 15, 2015


Our society has frowned upon anyone who earns minimum wage because they didn't go on to college to earn a successful paying job but that isn't always ideal now. Many students do not have a secure way of paying off tuition costs and loans so they do not attend college and settle for a low paying job. We are telling our kids that they will get no where in life if they don't attend college and reach degrees to practice in the profession of their choice, but so many people cannot pay college tuition. This situation has been addressed but nothing has been done to lower costs. Our kids deserve to go to college, get a good job, start a family without the burden of paying off thousands of dollars.

Satirical Piece

Satirical Piece-

Modern day, college tuition is incredibly expensive and prices have drastically hiked since even the 2000s. President Obama has addressed this situation and has stated that he is trying to decrease the costs so that students are not drowning in debt. No change has actually happened yet, and that is why us as a whole should take action. The solution to this problem should be selling to raise money, selling everything you own as if you're starting a store! You sell your dresser, clothes, books, decorations, bed, shoes, and your dog. That'll cover about a year to two years of your college tuition. The second step is to sell your house, property, and lastly, your store business. Sometimes, this isn't even enough. The third step is getting pregnant in your second year of college and sell your baby once you give birth. Lastly, get a part time job! All the kids are doing it and though it's the hardest decision of all these steps, you won't lose anything but your time.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Editorial Cartoon Analysis-

Focus: College tuition costs 
Theme: Students are forced to pay their thousands of dollars worth of loans once they graduate.
Colleges have dramatically hiked their tuition costs each year, for many years. Now, when students graduate, they are given a debt sentence along with their certificate of college completion. This is a huge problem today. Adults in their mid 20's, whom 80% have not settled in a career, are burdened to pay off their loans. Before, tuition prices were not that high and when they graduated, they felt relief in finishing school. Now, students do not feel that same relief due to the debt they'll need to pay off as fast as possible.